Raiden Genshin Impact Build Guide

If you’re in search of the best Raiden Genshin Impact Build Guide, you’ve come to the right place! This character has a lot of versatility and will add value to your team no matter what role you play. His primary role is to be a burst support, so you’ll want to focus on his Burst. His secondary role is to buff your team while you’re in combat and charge up his ultimates. райден геншин импакт билд гайд

When choosing your team, keep in mind that Eula’s Phys Burst is an enabler, so Raiden is the perfect sub DPS. If you want to use a shield, you might want to try Diona, Venti, or Kazuha. However, you might need to be careful with Bennett, as it might break the Superconduct combo.

The Electro Polearm is another good choice for Raiden Genshin Impact. This weapon uses high electro application to make a large amount of energy particles. It also has massive damage via Elemental Burst. Raiden Genshin Impact Build Guide will help you find the best combination of skills, weapons, and artifacts for this character.

The favored Raiden gear will be equipped with Engulfing Lightning (Engulfing Lightning). This talent will give Raiden a huge energy recharge. In addition, you will find that the best Raiden gear includes Emblem of Severed Fate. This set will give you more powerful damage while using less energy.

Raiden Shogun is a 5-star electro character with the ability to switch weapons while using Elemental Burst. It will also boost the damage of your entire party. This character can be played as a main DPS or as a sub DPS. If you don’t feel comfortable playing a DPS role, you can also use this build as a flex character.

Raiden Genshin is an excellent choice for a support role in your team. While most supporting units take up a great deal of space on the field, Raiden offers support utility and damage buffs. This makes him a pseudo on-field DPS. As such, his role is quite different from other supporting units.

In Raiden Genshin Impact, you can choose to play as a DPS or a support character. The former will do damage in the early game, while the latter will do damage in the middle game. As long as you choose a team with other support characters, you’ll have the most flexibility and power to defeat opponents.

You’ll need a good Artifact set to support Raiden Shogun. Ideally, you’ll use the Emblem of Severed Fate. Its Energy Recharge bonus allows you to recharge your Burst and also passively increases your damage. It also works well with many Genshin Impact supports, which makes it a great choice.

The Raiden Shogun has many abilities and a burst attack that deals AoE damage. It also helps you enter the Musou Isshin state, which will allow you to recharge your energy when you’re fighting an enemy. It also regenerates the energy of other party members when you hit an enemy.